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Perfect for leaders or small nonprofits
The podcast is extremely relevant to leaders of small nonprofits. I have gleaned an unbelievable amount of information and encouragement from their content.

Practical advice with a dose of smiles
Seasoned nonprofit professionals who share their wisdom and experience for the benefit of their listener. They are kind, practical and their friendship displayed on the show is fun and heartwarming. I always find a new nugget of insight and I am reminded of good practices that I have forgotten. Well worth the time.

Paving a path
I was hooked from the first podcast I listened to. Tim and Nathan provide such real-life guidance for Executive Directors! I have been in this work for over 6 years and finding their podcast was such a God-send; they have filled in so many gaps for me. If you can, imagine yourself standing on one side of a wide open field with your hopes and dreams on the other side, but no path to get from one side to the other. The wisdom and direction that Nathan and Tim offer in each episode are like pavers, helping me see my way to reaching the other side. I'm so thankful for The Practice of Nonprofit Leadership and highly recommend it to all small and medium-sized nonprofit leaders.

A journey worth joining
I have known these guys on a personal level for many years now and I am very excited to see where this podcast journey goes. They both have LIVED non profit leadership and have amazing hearts to see those who lead non profits feel loved, supported and equipped. Their real strengths are in their relationships and their ability to help people in any non profit context.