Today's episode is part 2 of our focus on teams. As we said last week:
Good teams are essential for effective nonprofit work. And it is the leader's responsibility to lead the team to effectiveness.
In this episode, Tim and Nathan look at 5 Characteristics of a good team. Referencing Patrick Lenceoni's book, The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, and sharing from their own experience, the guys provide actions steps to take to move the team in a positive direction.
The episode ends with a challenge to take these 3 actions:
Note: Tim and Nathan do not receive any benefit from the books purchase but just highly recommend the book.
The Hosts of The Practice of NonProfit Leadership:
Tim Barnes serves as the Executive Vice President of International Association for Refugees (IAFR) and can be contacted at
Nathan Ruby serves as the Executive Director of Friends of the Children of Haiti (FOTCOH) and can be contacted at
They can also be reached at
All opinions and ideas shared on the podcast are those of the hosts and do not represent the opinions or ideas of their respective organizations.