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Dec. 19, 2024

12 Days of Major Gift Fundraising - Day 11: Getting Board Members to Help

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What if board members could transform the daunting task of fundraising into an exciting and rewarding experience? On day 11 of the 12 Days of Major Gift Fundraising, Nathan provides insights and a practical system of engaging Board members in major gift fundraising. 

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The Hosts of The Practice of NonProfit Leadership:

Tim Barnes serves as the Executive Vice President of International Association for Refugees (IAFR)

Nathan Ruby serves as the Executive Director of Friends of the Children of Haiti (FOTCOH)

They can be reached at info@practicenpleader.com

All opinions and views expressed by the hosts are their own and do not necessarily represent those of their respective organizations.


00:09 - Building Trust With Board Members

13:26 - Engaging Board Members in Major Gifts

27:13 - Boosting Major Gift Program Success


00:00:09.471 --> 00:00:11.913
Welcome to the Practice of Nonprofit Leadership.

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I'm Nathan Ruby and it's day 11 of the 12 Days of Major Gift Fundraising.

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And today's topic is one of the questions I hear so much of the time, so often when I'm talking to executive directors about major gifts.

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I almost guarantee you, I almost will bet you well, I'm not going to bet my paycheck, but I will bet you what would I bet?

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I will bet you your favorite beverage.

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I will, I will bet your favorite beverage that this question will come up sooner or later somewhere in the conversation.

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And that question is some derivative, some form of why won't my board members help me fundraise?

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It happens all the time.

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It almost guaranteed.

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And I will just to make you feel a little bit better.

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You know, don't feel bad.

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If that is you, if that's your organization, if you're having trouble getting your board members to help you actively help you in fundraising, it it's there's nothing wrong with you.

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There's nothing wrong with your organization in fundraising.

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There's nothing wrong with you.

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There's nothing wrong with your organization.

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You're just like most of the others.

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But the good news is, after today, you are going to know how to start moving your board members towards helping you not only fundraise, but help you major gift fundraise.

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So before we get into today's topic, let's answer the question why would you want your board members to help?

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If you're early in your career, if you've not been an executive director very long, or if you're not really that versed in fundraising, and especially major gift fundraising, you may not totally understand the value of having your board members help you.

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So here's why Always remember that major gifts along with emotion.

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This is still a thing, emotion is still a thing, but major gifts is also about trust.

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I don't want you to forget that even with the largest major gifts, emotion is still part of the equation.

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It is still very much part of securing.

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Major gifts is the emotion part.

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But the bigger the gift gets, the more important that trust is.

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When you start adding zeros onto the end of the check zeros onto the end of the check the donor requires a deeper trust with you and the organization.

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Now, when a donor makes a $20 gift, you need $20 worth of trust and donors will pretty much give you the benefit of the doubt, as long as you don't end up on the front page of your local newspaper with some type of scandal or some type of fraud or something like that.

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As long as you don't end up on the front page of your local newspaper with some type of scandal or some type of fraud or something like that, as long as you stay off the front page, your $20 donors, your direct mail donors, they'll pretty much trust you that you're doing what you say you're doing and they're going to send you your 20 bucks.

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But when you start asking for $1,000 and $2,500 and $5,000 and $25,000, now your donor is saying to themselves okay, can I trust you that you're going to do with my money what you say you are going to do?

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So if trust is key in building a major gift donor base, how do we do that?

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How do we build trust?

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Well, the best way to build trust with major gift donors is developing two relationships.

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The first relationship is with you, the executive director.

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Every major gift donor, especially when you're getting started, needs to have a relationship with the executive director.

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Every major gift owner, especially when you're getting started, needs to have a relationship with the executive director.

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That's why it's so important for you to be leading this effort and to be front and center in starting and growing a major gift program.

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They need to see you, they need to know you.

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They need to have a relationship with you.

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The second relationship is with the organization.

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And who do you think represents the organization?

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Well, okay, technically, the executive director could represent both.

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Executive director could represent themselves.

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You could obviously represent yourself, but you can also represent the organization.

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Sometimes it's just the executive director doing this, and that's okay.

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But a better way to do it, or a more meaningful way to do it, is when your board member represents the organization.

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This allows you to build trust with you as the executive director, your board member as the organization.

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You are building trust with the donor simultaneously down those two paths and it gets you deeper, faster with the donor and gets you to larger major gifts in a quicker amount of time.

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So that's why it's important, that's why you would want your board members to be involved in the major gift process, because it builds deeper relationships with major gift prospects and it gets you to bigger gifts quicker.

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Okay, so that's why we want, that's why you want to do this, that's why we want to do this, that's why I do this.

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But what is it exactly that we're going to ask your board member to do?

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Okay, so we have three levels of involvement, three levels of asking our board member to help us.

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Level one is the simplest, and all we want at this level is to be involved in donor stewardship.

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Remember the stewardship we talked about?

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You know we were thanking the donor and then we're wrapping them right back into the qualification and cultivation process.

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Well, what we want in this, in a level one, is we want your board member to engage in that stewardship process and make it simple.

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Just make it send a thank you note.

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If you have a board member that sends a thank you note to a major gift donor and they sign it, yo, mr or Mrs or Miss or Mr or whatever it is board member, yo, so-and-so board member.

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That goes a long way with the major gift donors say, oh my gosh, all right, just you know, a board member sent me a note.

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What I did must've been special, must've been important, so you can ask them to send a thank you note.

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The next level up from that within level one is have them make a thank you call.

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Now you might have.

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If you ask your board member, hey, can you call one of our donors?

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You might get a little bit of pushback.

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But if you say, hey, here's the number of our donor.

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They just made a major gift.

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Here's a little bit of information about the donor.

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Would you be willing to call them and just say thank you for their gift?

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You have a much bigger chance of your board member saying that what we want in a level one is to make it very simple, very easy.

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Most board members will do something thank you related.

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Of all the things that you ask them to do in fundraising, being involved in saying thank you is probably the most likely that they would want to do it, especially if it's just a handwritten note.

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I don't think I've ever had a board member say no to doing a handwritten note card, something simple like that.

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So start there.

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If you're starting from scratch with your board, all right.

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Level two A level two request of your board would be going with you on a donor visit.

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That would be level two.

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Now we're going to talk about that more in depth than a minute, so I'm going to put that over here.

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You can't see me, but I'm putting this over to the side here for a minute.

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We're going to come back to taking a board member with you on a donor visit and then we're going to explain level three.

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And level three is when you are asking your board members to identify, qualify, cultivate and ask their own network with your help, of course.

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They're not doing it in a vacuum by themselves.

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Members that beginning to identify, qualify, cultivate and ask their own network, their own Rolodex.

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For those of you that have been around a little longer than others, you'll know what a Rolodex is.

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When you have board members that are doing that.

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You have gotten to a level three major gifts program.

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Now, this is pretty advanced and I don't want you to get too caught up in that that, oh, my board will never do that.

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Well, never is a long time.

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It is possible to get board members to access their own networks and grow your major gift pool of donors.

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It is totally doable.

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It's not common, but it can happen.

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It's not common, but it can happen Now, because this is a more advanced level.

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We're not really going to cover this in our 12 days here and in this episode.

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However, if you are at this point and you think that you have a board member who is ready for that, who would be willing to do that for you, if you ask them, oh my gosh, for you.

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If you ask them, oh my gosh, by all means, reach out to me at info at practice and p leadercom.

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That email address is in the show notes.

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Reach out to me, send me an email and I will be happy to walk you through how to do that, and we will have a ton of fun doing that.

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So if you think you've got a donor or a board member that's ready for that, gosh, reach out to me and we'll talk you through that.

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But for now we've got a donor or a board member that's ready for that, gosh, reach out to me and we'll talk you through that.

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But for now we're going to go back to level two and we are going to talk about a little bit more about getting your board members to go with you.

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So how do we get a board member to do a level two which is going on a donor visit with you?

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There's three things that I'm going to share with you today to help you do that.

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We're going to list them out and then we're going to go through individually.

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First one is we're going to start with one.

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We're going to handpick one board member and we're going to work this system with just that board member, and then we'll worry about adding board members later.

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So we start with one.

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Number two we're going to make it simple.

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And number three, we're going to make it fun.

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So those are the three points that we're going to talk about here.

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So, number one start with one.

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So you're going to handpick your most likely board member who you think will be excited to do this.

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So you're looking for somebody with an outgoing personality, someone who loves to meet people, someone who is fun, fun, and we want this to be a somebody who's more outgoing, a little bit more extroverted, because we're going to be asking them to meet somebody and then sit down, not by themselves, you're going to go with them and then sit down and have a conversation with somebody they've never met before probably never met before and have a as much as possible, an enjoyable time doing that.

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That tends to be a skill set of an extrovert.

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Now, that said, that doesn't mean that an introvert can't be very, very effective at this.

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Some of the best board members I've ever gone fundraising with have been introverts.

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And remember, the difference between an extrovert and an introvert is where you get your energy from.

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An extrovert will sit in a group of people and, at the end of that, will be excited and energized by the time that you spent.

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An introvert will sit down with that same group of people and leave that group totally exhausted and will need a nap at the end of that.

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If you're an introvert, you're probably shaking your head.

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Yes, that is exactly what I would need after sitting down talking to a major gift prospect.

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But the extrovert and introvert is about where you get your energy, not how effective you are at talking to people.

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So, if possible, we want outgoing personality, somebody who loves to meet new people, to be around new people, and someone who is fun.

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If you've got an extrovert, maybe that's the right pick.

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If you don't, you can also find introverts who are very, very effective as well.

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So, number one our first point here is we're going to start with one.

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Number two we are going to make it simple.

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We want to make it so simple that your board member doesn't have an easy excuse to say no.

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So what does that look like?

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So I'm going to give you the invitation that I use.

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This is the same invitation I've used for years.

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Feel free to use it.

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You can adjust it to fit you better, but when I ask board members to do this for the first time, I sit down with them face to face.

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This is a face to face conversation.

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This is not a text conversation.

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This is not an email conversation.

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This is sitting down face to face and we're going to have this conversation and it goes something like this Okay, board member, let's get a name.

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We're going to have this conversation and it goes something like this Okay, board member, let's get a name.

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That doesn't sound good to say board member.

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We're going to say Susan.

00:13:44.860 --> 00:13:54.217
Okay, susan, do you remember a couple of weeks ago when I reported that we received a major gift it was a few weeks ago from the McIntyres.

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Well, I am going to go in the next couple of weeks.

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I'm going to go visit the McIntyres just to say thank you for that awesome gift.

00:14:02.115 --> 00:14:04.716
Would you be willing to go with me?

00:14:04.716 --> 00:14:18.427
All I need you to do is two things I need you to say thank you on behalf of the board and the people we serve and to share why you're excited about the XYZ organization.

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Would you be open to doing that?

00:14:20.388 --> 00:14:40.873
Okay, now you may notice a difference If you remember back when we did the ask episode and I broke it down into several different pieces and then also in the cultivation episode when we were calling the donor for the first time to set the first visit, I chopped it up.

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It was like I introduced myself and then I stopped, and then I did a little bit and I stopped and I stopped on this one.

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You already have built up the relationship with the board members, so you don't have to, and they already know who you are.

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You're already sitting down in front of them, so you don't have to wait for that recognition to spin around of who am I talking to, who is this from?

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And so what we're doing here is we're zipping that out all in one phrase so that the board member doesn't have time to say, oh my gosh, he's asking me to go talk to a donor.

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Heck, no, I'm not doing that, because once they get that, once their subconscious, once their mind has said no, that's scary, I don't want to do that.

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No, it is much harder to bring them back around.

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So I'm saying do you remember the McIntyres who made this major gift a couple of weeks ago?

00:15:39.951 --> 00:15:45.326
Yeah, yes, I'm going to, I'm going to say thank you to them.

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So I'm going, you're going to go with me to say thank you to them.

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I need you.

00:15:50.798 --> 00:15:51.860
Would you go with me.

00:15:51.860 --> 00:15:56.336
I need you to do two things Say thank you on behalf of the board and the people we serve.

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Okay, remember, level one is saying thank you.

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Almost all board members will do that, because that's comfortable, that's safe.

00:16:03.404 --> 00:16:08.018
And then, secondly, to share why you're excited about X, y, z organization.

00:16:08.018 --> 00:16:10.523
Okay, well, I'm, I'm, I'm.

00:16:10.769 --> 00:16:16.701
If I'm the board member, I'm being asked to say thank you and I'm being asked to share why I'm excited.

00:16:16.701 --> 00:16:19.527
Well, okay, I could do that.

00:16:19.527 --> 00:16:20.889
That's not as scary.

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So that's how you do the ask.

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Then I asking your board member to go with you.

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Then I whip out with me my simple agenda and I have a very simple agenda and this is the agenda for the McIntyre meeting and it's got six very simple lines and it says opening and introductions five minutes and I have my initials on that.

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Then I have general thank you five minutes, my initials on that, thank you and why you're excited.

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I have my board member's name on that Five minutes.

00:17:02.173 --> 00:17:05.349
I have overview of program and future vision.

00:17:05.349 --> 00:17:09.950
So that's overview of the program that they just gave to and future vision of the organization.

00:17:09.950 --> 00:17:11.676
I have 10 minutes on that.

00:17:11.676 --> 00:17:13.195
I have my initials on that.

00:17:13.195 --> 00:17:15.057
I have open discussion.

00:17:15.057 --> 00:17:16.253
I have all.

00:17:16.253 --> 00:17:17.317
So that's everybody.

00:17:17.317 --> 00:17:23.200
I have 10 minutes and then next steps, five minutes, my initials.

00:17:24.041 --> 00:17:25.104
So you look at that.

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When you add that all up, if my math is correct, that's 40 minutes of meeting time, which is about what you would expect for a thank you visit like this, and the board member sees their initials for a total of five minutes.

00:17:37.124 --> 00:17:43.824
So that means I am or in this case you are running the show for 35 minutes.

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Board member only has five minutes.

00:17:45.867 --> 00:17:53.641
Are running the show for 35 minutes.

00:17:53.641 --> 00:17:54.682
Board member only has five minutes.

00:17:54.682 --> 00:17:55.726
That is a safe thing for them to say yes to.

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So I also remember during the ask episode I said that I left my documentation.

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I left the packet as a leave behind.

00:18:02.180 --> 00:18:05.886
I did not go through that with them while we were sitting there.

00:18:05.886 --> 00:18:07.876
I do this differently.

00:18:07.876 --> 00:18:10.144
I want them to see this agenda.

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I want them to see that my initials are on there about 90% of the time.

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Their initials are only on there about 5% of the time.

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I want them to see that because it minimizes their risk, which maximizes the opportunity that they're going to say yes, okay.

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So that's making it simple.

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We're just making it as simple as possible for them to say yes.

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Now we got number three, which is make it fun.

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This entire process has to be fun.

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It's got to be light.

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For goodness sakes, we are celebrating a major gift here.

00:18:44.767 --> 00:18:45.741
It's the best part of the job.

00:18:45.741 --> 00:18:46.795
Well in gift here, it's the best part of the job.

00:18:46.795 --> 00:18:56.423
Well, in my opinion, it's the best part of the job, and I think after a while, after you do two or three or four of these, it's going to become the best part of your job too.

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At least I think it's going to.

00:19:00.558 --> 00:19:05.868
Another way of making it fun is when you start doing this with a board member.

00:19:05.868 --> 00:19:18.749
You start doing this on the first donor and then you're going to do it on another donor and another donor, and you will find that you will have a deeper personal relationship between you and your board member.

00:19:18.749 --> 00:19:30.605
As you do more and more and more of this and as you build a closer relationship, it will become more fun because as you know each other, you get to know each other's families a little bit more.

00:19:30.605 --> 00:19:32.798
You get to have a closer connection.

00:19:32.798 --> 00:19:39.388
That breeds a camaraderie between the two of you, and that is always fun.

00:19:39.388 --> 00:19:45.246
To be working with somebody doing great things, making a difference, having success.

00:19:45.246 --> 00:19:51.868
Those are all fun things and I don't know exactly how to tell you to have fun.

00:19:51.868 --> 00:19:54.837
I mean, that's probably a different podcast.

00:19:54.837 --> 00:20:08.986
But one thing I can tell you is, if you're doing major donor work, you're doing major gift work, you bring a board member with you and the two of you aren't having fun together, then you're probably doing something wrong.

00:20:08.986 --> 00:20:15.298
It is the more you do this, the more success you have, the more fun it's going to be.

00:20:15.298 --> 00:20:16.681
So you got to make it fun.

00:20:17.102 --> 00:20:21.317
Now, why is hat making it fun Important?

00:20:21.317 --> 00:20:23.682
Why is that important to the process?

00:20:23.682 --> 00:20:31.780
Well, the reason for this is because you are going to bring this up at the next board meeting.

00:20:31.780 --> 00:20:36.478
Now, of course, you want to let your board member know that you're doing this ahead of time.

00:20:36.478 --> 00:20:37.942
You don't want to blindside them.

00:20:37.942 --> 00:20:45.185
But that is our last point for today, and that is at your next meeting after you've gone to see the McIntyres.

00:20:45.185 --> 00:20:49.345
You are going to talk about this during your philanthropy report.

00:20:49.345 --> 00:21:05.028
Now, I hope you have a philanthropy report or a fundraising report coming up because, as we've talked about a couple of episodes ago, as you were building your culture of philanthropy, it is important to be talking about fundraising at every board meeting.

00:21:05.028 --> 00:21:08.035
So this is actually a great opportunity.

00:21:08.035 --> 00:21:16.683
If you have not had such an opportunity to create a culture of philanthropy in your board meetings, this would be a great way to start.

00:21:17.696 --> 00:21:24.906
So what I like to do when I'm recognizing board members for helping me with major gift fundraising is I just I.

00:21:24.906 --> 00:21:36.326
When it comes up to the philanthropy report, I give my report and then at the end I say something like you know, I would like to give special recognition to oh my gosh, I forgot who was our board name.

00:21:36.326 --> 00:21:38.132
Was it Sue, jane?

00:21:38.132 --> 00:21:41.359
I forget, I don't remember.

00:21:41.359 --> 00:21:44.086
I don't remember what we, what we named our board member.

00:21:44.086 --> 00:21:44.827
Let's say Sue.

00:21:44.827 --> 00:21:48.058
Remember, I don't remember what we, what we named our board member.

00:21:48.058 --> 00:21:48.460
Let's say Sue.

00:21:48.460 --> 00:21:51.188
I'd like to give special recognition to Sue for going on a donor visit with me.

00:21:51.188 --> 00:21:58.965
She did an excellent job of saying thank you to one of our major donors and sharing why she was excited about XYZ.

00:21:58.965 --> 00:22:01.016
Sue, thank you so much.

00:22:01.016 --> 00:22:02.279
That's it.

00:22:02.279 --> 00:22:03.885
That's all you really have to do.

00:22:03.945 --> 00:22:15.898
You're giving her public recognition in front of her peers, and what you're looking for is for your peers to say to themselves huh well, if Sue did that, I wonder.

00:22:15.898 --> 00:22:17.844
I wonder if I could do that someday.

00:22:17.844 --> 00:22:29.137
Now they're not going to say that out loud, but you want them to think about that internally Now, if your board member is willing and they're, and they're willing to do this and of course, you have to ask them ahead of time.

00:22:29.137 --> 00:22:35.019
If you could ask them to share their experience, oh my gosh, that would be even better.

00:22:35.019 --> 00:22:39.328
And for Sue to say, yeah, nathan asked me to go with them.

00:22:39.328 --> 00:22:41.298
He made it super simple.

00:22:41.298 --> 00:22:42.402
We had an agenda.

00:22:42.402 --> 00:22:43.664
I knew what was going to happen.

00:22:43.664 --> 00:22:46.321
I only had to do like a couple of minutes worth.

00:22:46.321 --> 00:22:51.386
All I had to do was say thank you and share why I was excited and Nathan took care of all the rest.

00:22:51.386 --> 00:22:56.915
And you know, it really wasn't that hard and I didn't think I was going to, but I actually had some fun.

00:22:56.915 --> 00:23:03.727
That is gold for getting your board members to start thinking about.

00:23:03.727 --> 00:23:05.769
Maybe they could do the same thing.

00:23:14.934 --> 00:23:16.342
So then, what you do with Sue is you do it again and again and again.

00:23:16.342 --> 00:23:17.066
Now you don't want to wear Sue out.

00:23:17.066 --> 00:23:20.978
You don't want to be calling her every week asking her to go on a donor visit with you, but you do two or three of those.

00:23:20.978 --> 00:23:26.203
You report back to where this becomes a regular thing, you report back to where this becomes a regular thing.

00:23:26.203 --> 00:23:33.540
And then if somebody hasn't come to you and said, hey, you know Sue's doing all that great thing, I could do that.

00:23:33.540 --> 00:23:36.324
You know, feel free to call me sometime the next time you have a donor.

00:23:36.324 --> 00:23:43.723
If nobody has done that, then you handpick your second person, you go to them and you repeat again the same process.

00:23:43.723 --> 00:23:51.480
You go with them and then at the next board meeting oh my gosh, hey, I just want to recognize Sue and Dan the two of them.

00:23:51.480 --> 00:23:56.880
They both did donor visits in the last few weeks with me, had a great time, they did a great job.

00:23:56.880 --> 00:23:58.160
Thank you so much to both of you.

00:23:58.160 --> 00:23:59.619
And you replicate that.

00:23:59.619 --> 00:24:12.067
And that is how you start to build a culture of your board members going on major gift donor visits with you and helping to grow your major gift prospect faster than you would by yourself.

00:24:12.895 --> 00:24:15.401
Now here is some free advice.

00:24:15.401 --> 00:24:18.708
You could take this, not take this either one.

00:24:18.708 --> 00:24:19.229
It's free.

00:24:19.229 --> 00:24:20.377
You could do with it what you want.

00:24:20.377 --> 00:24:38.006
If you want to make things easier for yourself down the road when it comes to recruiting board members to actually do this and to actually go on major donor visits with you, then you need to actually recruit them to do that.

00:24:38.006 --> 00:24:43.419
When you're interviewing them, you add that as the interview Say hey, I know you're.

00:24:43.419 --> 00:24:45.965
Thank you so much for considering a board position.

00:24:45.965 --> 00:24:50.541
I just wanted to go through some of the roles and responsibilities.

00:24:50.541 --> 00:24:58.265
And as you're going through the roles and responsibilities, one of those roles and responsibilities is we ask our board members to go to help me with major donor visits.

00:24:58.265 --> 00:25:03.660
And no, you don't have to be a major donor expert and no, I don't expect you to ask the donor.

00:25:03.660 --> 00:25:13.968
I just want you to come on cultivation visits and thank you visits and represent the organization and you'll just say thank you to donors and share why you're excited about the organization.

00:25:13.968 --> 00:25:16.659
And those are things we expect our board members to do.

00:25:16.659 --> 00:25:29.523
You will have a much higher percentage of your board members helping you down the road if you recruit them that way than if you just one day randomly say oh, by the way, I want you to go on a donor visit with me.

00:25:30.949 --> 00:25:43.089
Going back to using our symphony that we've used a couple of times during this series, if you were recruited to come into the symphony to play trumpet and then one day the conductor comes to you.

00:25:43.089 --> 00:25:46.700
And this is, oh, let's say, it's about a week or two weeks before the next big performance.

00:25:46.700 --> 00:25:54.883
And the conductor says, hey, we're going to be short on violins next week and so we really need you to fill in at that position.

00:25:54.883 --> 00:25:57.576
So we're going to have you play with the violins tonight.

00:25:57.576 --> 00:26:03.608
And it was like, well, no, I was recruited to play the trumpet.

00:26:03.608 --> 00:26:09.525
I know how to play the trumpet, I know the music and I don't really know how to play the violin.

00:26:09.525 --> 00:26:16.355
And the conductor says, well, yeah, but we really need you to do this for the sake of the organization and it'd be great if you could do that.

00:26:16.355 --> 00:26:18.121
So we just need you to do that for us.

00:26:18.121 --> 00:26:20.066
So just come on over here and sit with the violins.

00:26:20.066 --> 00:26:24.080
Maybe that's a bad example, but you get the point.

00:26:24.422 --> 00:26:30.941
If you don't recruit your board members to help you fundraise, then don't be shocked when they don't want to do it.

00:26:30.941 --> 00:26:44.165
If you want them to help you recruit, train, love them and have fun with them, and they will help you fundraise all that you want them to.

00:26:44.165 --> 00:26:50.724
Okay, tomorrow is day 12.

00:26:50.724 --> 00:26:54.839
Can you believe that we will be wrapping up our time together?

00:26:54.839 --> 00:26:58.167
But I still have a few nuggets for you.

00:26:58.167 --> 00:26:59.856
So don't skip out.

00:26:59.856 --> 00:27:03.882
Make sure you tune in tomorrow, make sure you listen to the last episode.

00:27:03.882 --> 00:27:12.382
Plus, I've got an offer for you that I think is pretty good and I think you're going to like it.

00:27:13.536 --> 00:27:20.981
I know starting a major gift program from scratch can be absolutely overwhelming and I totally get it.

00:27:20.981 --> 00:27:38.403
I'm with you on that, and I think sometimes we need, as executive directors, we need a little boost, a little help in saying, okay, if I want to try this, if I want to do that, I need to make sure that there's a value in doing it.

00:27:38.403 --> 00:27:41.429
There's got to be a return on investment.

00:27:41.429 --> 00:27:43.077
There's got to be a return on the money I spend.

00:27:43.077 --> 00:27:47.746
There's got to be a return on the time and energy I spend, and I don't know if this is going to work.

00:27:47.746 --> 00:27:56.249
So I've got something that I think is going to help push you over the edge on that, but I will tell you all about that tomorrow.

00:27:56.249 --> 00:27:59.320
So tune in tomorrow We'll wrap this thing up.

00:27:59.320 --> 00:28:06.595
I got a couple more nuggets for you and an offer that I think is going to be too good to refuse.

00:28:06.595 --> 00:28:09.161
So we'll see you tomorrow, looking forward to it.

00:28:09.161 --> 00:28:12.667
That's all for today, until next time.